22 September 2010

baja: diving in loreto

we were lucky while in loreto - some acquaintances from the NGO COBI (comunidad y biodiversidad) were there doing monitorings. these are the same guys that gave me that course i took last summer, so we offered to help out/invited ourselves along with them. they gave us an easy monitoring - you swim in one direction for 30 minutes and note all the commercial fish species you see. so it's half monitoring, half fun dive!

they launch from this place just to the south of loreto called "puerto escondido" (hidden port) which was absolutely lovely.

tenemos suerte en loreto - algunos conocidos de la ONG COBI (comunidad y biodiversidad) estaban allí haciendo monitoreos. son los mismos que me dieron el curso que tomé el ultimo verano en peñasco, entonces los ofrecemos a ayudar/nos invitamos a bucear. nos dieron un monitoreo facil - nadas por 30 minutos y notas todos los peces comerciales que ves. la mitad es como monitoreo y la otra diversion!

desembarcamos de un lugar al sur de loreto se llama "puerto escondido" lo que estuvo muy hermoso.


and really, the sea was as flat as a lake that morning. really stunning. like bahía de los angeles, loreto has lots of islands close by and the mountains come right up to the sea, so it's pretty spectacular.

y el mar estuvo como una alberca en la mañana. precioso. y como bahía de los angeles, loreto tiene muchas islas cercas y las montañas viene al lado del mar, entonces, si es impresionante.



and the diving was great. afterwards they told us that this isn't even one of the best spots around here, but i loved it. one - i didn't even wear my wetsuit. in la jolla, the water temp is about 52 - which means i wear my 7mm wetsuit, a vest, and a hood and i'm still cold. it was about 83 here and i just wore my rash guard and swim suit. ahhhh it's a freeing feeling. two and three - the visibility was pretty good and we saw tons of things, including lots of fish i'd never seen up in peñasco (basically because they've fished them all out ...).

very, very cool! with lots of pictures ...

el buceo estuvo fantastico! después, nos dijeron que esto no fue uno de los mejores lugares aquí, pero me encantó. uno - no usé mi traje. en la jolla, la temperatura es 52 - entonces uso mi 7 mm traje, chaleco, y un hood y aun así tengo frio! aquí estuvo 83 y solo usé mi rash guard y traje de baño. ahhh mucho mejor. dos y tres - la visibilidad estuvo bien y vimos muchas cosas, incluyendo muchas peces que nunca vi en peñasco (porque sacaron todos ...).

muy, muy padre. con muchas fotos ...




[king angel fish / angel rey]



[chopa (i think...)]

[parrotfish / perico]


[fish face]


[urchin / erizo]


[black coral]

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