21 June 2010

sit down get down in the sun

i spent two weeks in tucson between when i left peñasco and my move to la jolla. it was excellent - i organized myself, rested, basically did nothing. one of the weekends i was there, iván came up from peñasco and we went on a mini-vacation to northern arizona to camp and to a first friday art walk in flagstaff.

the sedona area is crazy busy in the summer - full of tourists all there to see the beautiful red rocks and go swimming in oak creek. so we decided to stay in a small campground (13 sites) about 20 miles down the road on beaver creek. fabulous little campground, close to some good hikes, and close to sedona.

pasé dos semanas en tucson entre mi salida de peñasco y mi mude a la jolla. era excelente - me organicé, descansé, hice mas o menos nada. uno de los fines de semana, iván venio de peñasco y fuimos al norte de arizona para acampar y un "first friday art walk" en flagstaff.

el area de sedona es una locura en el verano - llena de turistas quienes están alla a ver las hermosas piedras rojas y nadar en oak creek. entonces, decidimos a quedarnos en un campground pequeño (solo 13 lugares) 20 miles de sedona en beaver creek. fabuloso campground, cerca a caminatas buenas, y bastante cerca a sedona tambien.


beaver creek was great. fun to hike a bit, go swimming (even though freezing cold!), torturing the crawfish, and soaking in the sun. we very literally did nothing, so it was a true vacation.

beaver creek estuvo fantastico. divierto a caminar, nadar (aun con el agua congelada!!), molestar a los crawfish (langost-itas?), y tomar el sol. literalmente, no hicimos nada, entonces era una vacación verdadera.




and of course we spent a day in sedona to marvel at the rocks. we went on a great little hike (my arm was in a sling, so wasn't up for any big intense hikes) around bell rock, with some great views.

y por supuesto, pasamos un día en sedona para maravillarnos de las piedra . fuimos por una caminata chiquita (mi brazo estuvo en un cabestrillo, entonces no pude hacer nada grande) alrededor de bell rock, con algunas vistas maravillosas.

[bell rock is in the middle. we hiked around it to the right / bell rock esta en la mitad. caminamos hacia la derecha]




there is a beautiful church up one side of the canyon.

hay una iglesia hermosa por algún lado del cañón.


with a view like this, it makes you realize how people can believe in god.

con una vista así, te hace reconocer como la gente puede creer en dios.



and it's always good to have a sense of humor

y siempre esta bien tener un sentido de humor


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