07 July 2008

movin' on

last week, i moved. still in oregon and corvallis even - just into a different house. two of the girls (gayle and lotti) in the lab live together and lotti's six-month position just ended and she is moving to san fransisco, so i moved in with gayle. it's not that my previous home was awful ... it's just that the previous address wasn't a good fit. i always felt a bit like i was intruding and never really felt like home.

and even though i've only been in this new locale for a week and i'm sleeping kind-of out in the open for these first two weeks until lotti moves out, i already feel so much better here. it's a legit home and i'd ... forgotten how nice it is to not feel like i need to stay in my room all the time, to be making dinner together in a kitchen, to end up watching tv together and laughing. it feels nice. and, even though i never talk to any of my roommates from college, it makes me miss them.

i also got a few great responses to my e-mail to friends and family re: the new address, including one from granijo that said i have won in her address book for number of times my address has changed. what can i say?

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