29 June 2008

this desert life, this high life

my aunt robin, uncle danny, and two cousins (aaron and ethan) live in bend, oregon. i'm pretty excited to be so close to family (it rarely happens these days), and a few weekends ago i made it out there to visit them.

bend is an awesome place. it's a lot like what i thought corvallis would be like - much more artsy with lots of community things going on in the summer. i realize that corvallis is very osu-centered/focused, but i don't think that's an excuse to not have art galleries, museums, summer free outdoor concerts, etc. there is so much to do in this area, and yet, you need a car to do so much of it. ahhh well.

anyways, i just loved bend. i would move there in a heartbeat if it were a wee bit closer to the ocean (details details). and i had a great time visiting the oregon clan. we went on a bit of a central oregon high desert tour so that uncle danny could sell his motorcycle and got to watch people rafting down the deschutes river ...


... which i totally want to do. what fun! it's just so beautiful, and it made me happy to be back in the desert. the coast is beautiful, but man, i miss the desert.

and while we were exploring we came across this:


a rendezvous of vw vanagons (a.k.a. rendezvovw)! oh my goodness how delightfully fun. this is a horrible photo, but it was literally just a big bunch of these vanagons in a field, people just camping, hanging out, enjoying themselves. the boys were completely uninterested while uncle danny, aunt robin, and i oohed and ahhed over how cute and fun they were.

and then we got to talking about how completely logical owning a vw vanagon would be for me at this stage of my life. you can live in it; it holds a lot of stuff; it's cute. when we returned to bend, we spent some time on ebay looking up all the wonderful ones you can buy and i e-mailed it to my dad who, when i talked to him later said, "alexis, do you know why we got rid of ours?" to which i replied no. and he said, "because it was simultaneously the most useful and most expensive car we have ever owned"

he is still hoping i will forget about this. (are you reading this dad?)

so i had a lovely time. i hope to go back again soon!


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