27 July 2008

wrapped up in books

i have a lot of catching up to do in here (life feels pretty crazy around here lately), but i just wanted to write about the experience of walking into powell's bookstore in portland.

i've heard tons about powell's from my parents and how wonderful it is. i can barely control myself in a bookstore to begin with, and the library here in corvallis is quickly becoming my favorite place in this town. so when i found out i was going up to portland this past weekend, i knew powell's was an absolute must do.

and i walk in. and there are maps of the store. it's a whole city block. it's four stories. the rooms are color-coded and arranged by genre. and there are shopping baskets at the entrance.

i spent two hours there. and i was hurrying - focusing on the "sale" books rather than actually perusing the shelves. the blue room is just "literature" ... i walked in and immediately turned around and walked back out again it was so overwhelming. i finally went there last and just stayed at the book awards shelf. at one point i think i had about 25 books in my basket.

it was amazing.

plus i got my philosophy nalgene again so i'm pretty psyched about that. and, i must say, i showed amazing self control and only walked away with six books which is pretty impressive i think.

21 July 2008

movin' to mexico

i got my internship in mexico with CEDO (http://www.cedointercultural.org)!

it's something i've been waiting for and dreaming of for so long that i barely know how to handle it. i'm still kind-of in shock about the whole thing.

the job starts in january 2009 and goes through june 2010. i now know what i'll be doing for the next two years of my life ... how weird.

14 July 2008

the blues are still blue

"the jewel of the cascades"

on saturday, brad, erin (form the lab), her boyfriend kyle, and i drove down to crater lake. erin and i had been chatting at the beginning of the summer about all the cool things to do in oregon, and she mentioned how much she loved crater lake and that we should go down there. so we organized this trip.

and ... just ... wow.


i don't even want to try to describe how stunning and truly breathtaking it is. crater lake was formed some 7000 years ago when the volcano mazama erupted/collapsed into itself, creating a big 'ole crater than slowly filled with rain water and snow melt. it is the deepest lake in the united states and has the clearest, bluest water i've ever seen.

i took something like 60 photos, since each view of the lake is different and beautiful. here are two of the highlights:

[wizard island - the yellow stuff floating on the top is pine pollen]

[phantom ship through the pines]

the colors are just so vivid. i really want to go back in winter and cross-country ski around the rim - how cool would that be.

07 July 2008

movin' on

last week, i moved. still in oregon and corvallis even - just into a different house. two of the girls (gayle and lotti) in the lab live together and lotti's six-month position just ended and she is moving to san fransisco, so i moved in with gayle. it's not that my previous home was awful ... it's just that the previous address wasn't a good fit. i always felt a bit like i was intruding and never really felt like home.

and even though i've only been in this new locale for a week and i'm sleeping kind-of out in the open for these first two weeks until lotti moves out, i already feel so much better here. it's a legit home and i'd ... forgotten how nice it is to not feel like i need to stay in my room all the time, to be making dinner together in a kitchen, to end up watching tv together and laughing. it feels nice. and, even though i never talk to any of my roommates from college, it makes me miss them.

i also got a few great responses to my e-mail to friends and family re: the new address, including one from granijo that said i have won in her address book for number of times my address has changed. what can i say?