27 July 2008

wrapped up in books

i have a lot of catching up to do in here (life feels pretty crazy around here lately), but i just wanted to write about the experience of walking into powell's bookstore in portland.

i've heard tons about powell's from my parents and how wonderful it is. i can barely control myself in a bookstore to begin with, and the library here in corvallis is quickly becoming my favorite place in this town. so when i found out i was going up to portland this past weekend, i knew powell's was an absolute must do.

and i walk in. and there are maps of the store. it's a whole city block. it's four stories. the rooms are color-coded and arranged by genre. and there are shopping baskets at the entrance.

i spent two hours there. and i was hurrying - focusing on the "sale" books rather than actually perusing the shelves. the blue room is just "literature" ... i walked in and immediately turned around and walked back out again it was so overwhelming. i finally went there last and just stayed at the book awards shelf. at one point i think i had about 25 books in my basket.

it was amazing.

plus i got my philosophy nalgene again so i'm pretty psyched about that. and, i must say, i showed amazing self control and only walked away with six books which is pretty impressive i think.

1 comment:

BCNorCal07 said...

i've always wanted to go to that bookstore. very jealous that you did. and six books is nothing to be ashamed of. i struggle staying under six just going to borders.
