12 June 2008

the challengers of the unknown

i've realized lately that, although i am really enjoying my time in oregon, i'm struggling with the lack of challenge and thought-provoking situations in my life. apart from friends, it may be what i miss the most about BC. and maybe part of what made BC so special ... i really miss is discussing a huge variety of things, issues, thoughts, ideas, with all sorts of people who held all sorts of different beliefs. everyone in my group of friends was well-informed and cared about the world about them and there was always something to talk about. the people i work with are wonderful, but we are all very similar in our beliefs and it makes it a little ... boring. and nothing about the job is challenging or intellectually stimulating once you learn the ropes and techniques. i do have my heaps of books, but it's just not quite the same.

i really wanted to join some sort of book group, or discussion group, or something, but haven't really found anything in the area. my lunar-based schedule doesn't make that any easier ...

and so i went to church last sunday. i was quite nervous - i haven't been to church because i decided all by myself to go in ... well, actually, i've never gone to church just for myself before. but the church my family goes to in tucson is just so wonderful and thought-provoking that i thought maybe church would work. it didn't. everyone was so friendly and nice, but the service mostly consisted of praise music and a rather dull sermon - not really what i was looking for.

so. not sure what to try next, but i'll keep searching for things. starting over in a new place is hard: hard to find friends outside of work, expand my circle, try new things ...

1 comment:

Sarah said...

You could try another church. There's probably more than one in town.