07 July 2006

sunshine, sunshiny day

today is the kind of day that makes me fall more and more in love with cape cod. when the alarm went off this morning, the sun was sparkling through the trees, a nice contrast to the typical fog/mist combos that characterise most mornings here. the past few days have been quite dreery - overcast and rainy, so this is a welcome change.

it's still nice and cool outside, with a small breeze and clear blue skies. and the best part is that on my walk this morning, there was hardly any traffic or other people out. apparently 7 am is too early for most tourists (not that i can blame them).

i have a new job (hooray). somehow, i managed to get ridiculously lucky and get a bartending job at a bar/restaurant about two miles away, right on the beach. i saw the ad in the paper last week and figured i'd go and give it a shot, even if the paper was a few days old. turns out they'd been having all sorts of problems hiring people and what not, so they were pretty desperate. funny, the bar manager keeps saying he's so happy i'm there when really, i don't think he realises how desperate i was and how lucky and thankful and happy i am to be working there. not to mention the fact that the bar is gorgeous - big windows looking over the ocean towards the vineyard. almost (almost) as good as actually being outside.

it's a private club, which has its pros and cons, but, for the most part, i think i'm going to love working there. everyone seems really laid back and chill so far and it's nice to mix a wide variety drinks, rather than pouring beer (typical of the sports bars i worked in last summer and fall). i feel like i'm learning a lot. the bar manager has set me up with a regular schedule, and the pay is good. it doesn't get much better.

i'm working the lunch shift today, which means i have my morning off. i think i'm going to go to the beach, actually, to read and lie in the sun. i haven't even been yet, apart from walking along it. a tragedy, really, considering how beautiful it is. and since i'll be there before noon, i might even avoid the crowds.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I really liked working at the country club. It's a very calm environment to work in. Its a little snooty, but the money is good and I bet you do a lot of regulars and they occasionally slip you something extra. Just smile and chat them up. Enjoy the view and the luxury of not feeling like your wasting an $80,000 education tending bar (as I fear I may be doing in a few months).