26 July 2006

pet sounds

first and foremost, meet jacques cousteau

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and solomon cartwright

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they are red-eared sliders, a freshwater turtle, that the mrc was giving away, so brad and i adopted two of them. aren't they cute? solomon is really shy (and always hiding under rocks) and jacques is all rambunctious and always swimming around. mmm i love turtles. these guys are just little babies too. awwww so fun. so now, not only did brad and i meet in a turtle lab and work there together, now we actually have turtles as pets too. some things you just can't shake, i suppose (not that i'm complaining. this is obviously just one of those never-ending jokes)

i also have some pictures i've been meaning to post, although everytime we have a beautiful day here i forget my camera, so cape cod pictures will have to come later.

a few weekends ago, brad and i went hiking along the mashpee river and came across a bench with this view:

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the bugs were horrendous, but man, is it beautiful.

aaand when we went to lake champlain two weekends ago we ended up doing a detour through burlington (not on purpose) and i think this sign made the whole debacle worth it:

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biggest washers and driers in vermont, ay? the ridiculousness of the claim (even if it is true (but how do you know)) made us laugh.

the camp at lake champlain is right on the water in the way north (as in almost canada) of vermont and you truly get some spectacular sunsets. we were lucky enough to see this one, complete with brad's dad and brother fishing off the dock.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love the turtlessss.
