03 May 2006

four notes of incredibility

1. i turned in a 20 page lab report today. that's more than i would write for a lab report in the states. even more incredible is that i'm actually a bit stressed about work right now.

in new zealand.

something is just not right when i'm stressed in new zealand.

2. in other news, the "unipol" (i.e. university gym) is even more ghetto (but only slightly) than the plex (the gym at BC). again, incredible. who would have thought it possible.

3. our phone quit working because the inside of the walls in our flat got so wet. and then the power stopped working in that wall. so much for walls keeping out the moisture. the university-man-in-charge-of-flats asked why how it got so damp. uhhh buddy, it's because you kiwis don't seem to believe in insulation.

4. i said that so-and-so a person "came around" the other day. so not only am i picking up kiwi-speak, i'm also speaking german-english.

[i haven't forgotten you, parents! i promise i will post pictures from the easter holiday before i go away for the weekend*

*or try to]


Anonymous said...

does the unipol at least have windows though..

Anonymous said...
