26 April 2006

i like watching the puddles gather rain

i live on a tiny little one-way street that parallels the leith river, which runs through campus and north dunedin. there on no flats on the leith side of the street, so i have a great view out my window.

this is what the leith looks like on a normal, dunedin day:

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[photo courtesy of wikipedia]

and this is what the leith looks like after it's been raining for about 36 hours:

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i also received some rather alarming/funny (depending on whether or not you have a car parked on said street, which i do not) emails about the situation on my street:

"Police have just advised that a major slip has occurred to the bank along [name of street - sorry, can't be advertising such things so publicly].
Several cars have been left teetering on the edge of the slip. Emergency services are in attendance and action is underway to recover these vehicles.
If you have parked your car anywhere on [security edit again], please check and if necessary take the earliest opportunity to move it to safer ground."

and later,

"Due to the high risk, staff and students are strongly advised to stay at least 5 metres away from the banks of the Leith. Debris and trees floating down on the river present a particular hazard, and there is little clearance below the bridges."

and then pictures to accompany:

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[courtesy of an outc member]

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[the aftermath]

did i mention that it's still raining outside? that's over 48 hours of continuous rain. our street is still blocked off, but hey, my flat isn't flooding. yet.

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