05 May 2009

one hundred!

my great-grandmother turned 100 this month.

one of my first days at CEDO, i told them, "look, in april my great-grandmother is turning 100 - i have to be able to go to her party!" seriously, how often does someone turn 100?

think about how incredible that is. it really just blows my mind ... can you imagine living 100 years? she was born in 1909 ... how many things she's seen and lived through - two world wars, the great depression, cars, airplanes, space travel, computers, the internet - i mean, really, it's just impossible to imagine. she lives in an assisted living home where she is the oldest one there, takes only a multi-vitamin every day, and requires very little care; she's great - sound mind and body (she doesn't move very fast, but what do you expect?)

to celebrate her birthday, we had a family-only luncheon in solvang, where she lives. her two kids, all grandkids, and all great-grandkids were there (very impressive). all 23 of us exist because of her! i wonder how that feels. i hope she is as impressed with all of us as we are with her. everyone at work knew i was going to see her turn 100, along with everyone i saw or spoke with on my trip out there - it's such a remarkable thing!

my pictures are all fairly uninteresting (to anyone else that is) photos from the party, but here's a few anyways:

[looking through her old yearbook]

[the quartet singing for her]

[all 23 of us + the birthday girl]

and, of course, because we were in solvang, we had to get abelskievers. someday i'll buy an abelskiever pan so i can try making them myself...


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