15 November 2008

for boston, for boston

after leaving oregon, i went to boston for the first time since graduating from BC. and oh goodness, i love that city. it was so fabulous to see friends from college, wander around the city, go to a football game, and just soak it all in. and hard in some ways: i saw what my life would be like if i'd stayed in boston after graduating, and i liked it. i didn't want to leave. i loved the sense of familiarity and comfort.

[along the charles]

man, boston is wonderful.

[fall in the public garden]

[ND vs BC from the YY section]

[gasson tower]

['take it to the heights' superfans]

07 November 2008

congrats to president-elect obama

for the first time in eight years i am proud to be an american.

i am basically as excited as i could possibly be. i hope that this signifies a change in our policies and mindset - a true change. obviously, obama has his work cut out for him, and hopefully, people will be as supportive and willing to work as they have been in this election. what a wonderful change.

and i must say, the images of others around the world celebrating are moving. i find myself practically in tears when i think about the magnitude of this moment.

02 November 2008

when electioneering i trust i can rely on your vote

i have been bombarded recently with phone calls and emails trying to get me to volunteer with the obama campaign (moveon.org needs to learn to lighten up a bit) and so to get them to leave me alone (and, yes, because i believe it's the right thing), i agreed to go volunteer at the obama office here in corvallis.

and they made me go knock on doors and remind people to mail in their ballots (oregon does all mail-in ballots).

i hate knocking on doors and trying to annoy people into voting. but i did it. and thankfully, most people weren't home.

however, i did have a wonderful conversation with ann, 77 years old, who, after i introduced myself, said, "oh honey. i voted democratic all the way down the line. we need some change in this country!" and proceeded to chat with me for ten minutes about the election.

basically, i'm in a very tense, worried, optimistic mood until wednesday evening. i will be in transit to boston tuesday night (hurrah!) and will be eagerly watching cnn updates via my computer and then in the airport. let's hope it's a good day for democrats!