25 April 2008

there is hope

in the midst of a bad week, i got this e-mail from scott (from the philippines) last night:

"Hello my friend,
Today is good news day because of the following:
-The bueys went out today.....6 of them, but still it actually looks alright...
-Pole with flag also went up at the cabalutan end....
-The floating house has received a make over, ill send you photo's....
-Education hall also got some paint....
-Flags everywhere and signs are being put up.....
-Ruby told me today that jerry is going toget the ass, as she knows he dose nothing, he has being there for the last three days, he pick up trush today for 2 mins, thats it!....but
-Jerry told me that you and i worked harder then the peace corps dude....ha....
-the mangroves at the cerv planting area are going well, think because we cleaned all the shit of there leaves, they get fuck all air time....also sugod's are bloody great, mycel is doing a planting there now?? i didn't go becaucse low tide is at 8.30 at -.1, not low enough early enough, she wouldn't here me out....bloody priest's fault, was meant to be here monday...
-and i just feel good...............
Talk soon, i'm outta time here......xo"

i cannot even begin to say how ... amazing this is. it makes me so happy that things scott, ben , jeremy, and i (and all the other environmental volunteers) worked for are actually happening.

19 April 2008

made in the philippines

yesterday, i was in old navy with my mom, doing some shopping for long-sleeved shirts to bring to oregon with me (i'm employed! i have a job and am moving in like ... ten days!), and one of the shirts i wanted to get said "made in the philippines" on the tag. and i really, really struggled with it. i know that a lot of people are big on boycotting china-made products for the human rights violations that occur there ... and most people tend to ignore things made in the philippines, indonesia, taiwan, etc - all of which, i'm sure, have just as horrible of working conditions. i have mixed feelings about it - the conditions are certainly awful and not excusable, but ... it's also providing income for a lot of families that otherwise would not have any income at all. it's difficult.

but this "made in the philippines" really hit me. i could have met someone who worked in that factory and made that shirt ... slaving hard hours to be paid a few pesos. somehow it felt more personal.


this transition back to first world living is hard. stores completely overwhelm me, and if i'm out in shops too long i start to get really nervous and uncomfortable - feeling so confined, like i have to escape (i last about ten minutes). there are so many options! the materialism boggles my mind. one of the most humbling moments was looking through my boxes of things and realizing that i myself probably own more than my entire host family (that would be eight people) in the philippines. that first week, i didn't even leave the house - it was just too much.

at the same time, completely selfishly (and materialistically), i am enjoying having variety in my life again - food, shoes, clothing.

and at first, i didn't miss it at all; but i've started looking through my pictures and there are lots of little, everyday things that i do miss. things that i usually didn't bother sharing in here because they were so ... normal.

17 April 2008

welcome to hollywood

los angeles is a rough introduction back to the united states. so many people and so many things and all rush rush and ... overwhelming.

but i got to see my friend kathy, who is working in hollywood, so that was great. and i'd never been to hollywood, so it was cool to see.

[people impersonating famous people so you can take your picture with them]


p.s. los angeles has lots of strange people.

02 April 2008

"his manners and morals"

i haven't driven a car in seven months.

or hadn't until yesterday, when mom and i went to fourth ave to grab a cup of coffee. how terrifying it was! i made her back the car out of the garage first (backing up has never been my strong point in driving), and then we switched. and i expected to go lurching away and stall - just like when you first learn to drive stick.

and then miracle of miracles! it came right back! i guess driving a manuel is like riding a bike - you never forget.

then, at the new used book store on fourth, i found a book called the life story of the fish - his manners and morals published in 1949. i think that might be the best title of a book ever.