25 March 2008

what do you go home to?

i am flying back to the states in six hours. i'll spend a night in los angeles visiting my friend kathy from college (!!!!) and then on thursday i will go back to tucson.

i am sad to leave brad and south america, but i cannot even begin to say how excited i am to go home. to take a shower without flip-flops on for the first time in seven months; to sit on a couch; to watch a movie; to eat mexican food; to see my family and friends. brad and i keep joking about how weird it will be to have everyone around us speaking english and to be able to understand everything people say.

these next few months are going to be difficult: to try to transition back to a life of normalcy (but with a gaping hole inside) after living such an atypical life.

who knows what is next?

1 comment:

Jareau Wade said...


It is great to hear from you. It sounds like you have had a great time traveling the world, and I can definitely relate to this homecoming adjustments you fear.
