25 January 2008

manila and goodbyes

january 8 - 9, 2008

our tour of the philippines ended, of course, in manila. i have decided i can only handle manila for a maximum of two days. i am afraid to breathe there for fear of getting cancer. but still, it is quite the experience.


we stayed in a suburb called malate near the intramuros area, which i first visited when i arrived here on my tour of manila. how odd to return to the places i saw in my first few days. but we also wandered around rizal park (the national hero), which was a pretty neat place just plopped into the middle of the city.


[rizal monument. it has permanent guards]

brad left our hotel at about 4 am (we had decided it made no sense for me to come to the airport since i wouldn't even be allowed inside). i was so asleep that i barely registered that he was leaving and it wasn't until i woke up at 6 that i realized ... yes, he's actually gone.

whatever the challenges of going from six months of not seeing each other to a month of seeing each other 24/7, i am still so grateful that he came out here. we had such a great time seeing all these new and beautiful places, even if we did run around like crazy the entire time.

i miss him already.

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