09 December 2006

he did the monster mash ... it was a graveyard smash

halloween has always been a big deal in my family. as a kid, we threw halloween parties regularly, complete with a haunted house / mad scientist (my dad, complete with crazy scientist hair and body parts (i.e. peeled grapes)), and making fun crafts and cookies with my momma. my friend mia came as a scarecrow one year and was so real and scary looking that i actually slammed the door in her face when she came in terror. it was great. that was the year she left a trail of straw all over our house.

no more parties like that, but i still managed to dress up this year - complete with costume courtesy of my sister. i have no good pictures of it (i was an indian) but i do have a cute one of kaitie, jess, and i:

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but! brad and i carved pumpkins! i haven't carved a pumpkin since high school, so it was very exciting. they came out pretty good too:

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[his is the pirate and mine is the scary one]

the best part is that i still get a package from my parents every year with halloween decorations and presents in it. some kids get christmas decorations - i have more halloween decorations than anyone else i know :)

i love it.

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