22 September 2006

young loves

in a conversation the other day with dr. s (one of my thesis advisors):

s: how's brad? it is ok if i ask you about him right?
me: he's good and of course
s: sometimes you just don't know with these young loves. i mean you were gone for half a year and then things can go wrong and you just don't know and don't want to just assume
me: no it's good, we're good.
s: well, you know, he loves you so much.


BCNorCal07 said...

haha. oh dr. s. that is simply classic. of course, i dont know if i should be laughing, but i am. and im pretty sure i should be, knowing you. peace.

Anonymous said...

Awww...that's almost adorable.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the win!
