10 September 2006

beginning of the end

the past four weeks have been crazy (thus the lack of posts): moving off the cape, moving into BC, band camp, the beginning of the semester and the subsequent parties, classes, work.

on the boat cruise around boston harbor during band, i stood in the middle of a circle of people singing "piano man", arm-in-arm with the other seniors and even though i promised myself i wouldn't, it brought tears to my eyes. there is something special about being a senior. and while i'm still going to have a lot of work this year (graduation looms and along with it all the requirements that i haven't gotten around to yet), i am determined to make the most of it.

summer on the cape ended with brad and i finally making a trip out to provincetown, which is on the very very very tip of cape cod (at one point during the drive along there, you can see the ocean on both sides of the road it's so narrow). it's best known for being a bohemian gay/lesbian haven, but has beautiful beaches, great art galleries, and of course, some very interesting people.

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[sand dunes]

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[kite shop]

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[p-town harbor at low tide]

really, the goal of the year is to enjoy boston and to take advantage (as much as possible) of what the city has to offer. i've lived here three years now and haven't been a duck tour, seen many of the countless museums or art galleries, explored areas farther off the T. i'd like to get up to new hampshire and vermont and go tramping for a weekend. and of course, to have fun being a senior and enjoy my last year in college (what a terrifying thing to say). already, i have explored art galleries, been to haymarket, seen a show, had the first football game of the season (dear god, it was amazing. see espn, and had the first wine night of the year.

when people (most of whom i haven't seen or spoken to since last december) ask me about new zealand, i can't find the words to describe it and instead say something vague "wonderful. amazing. so much fun. i miss it" that doesn't even begin to capture the experience. i need to hold onto that feeling and take it with me for the rest of my life. and hopefully, i will be back there soon. in the meantime, there is plenty to do in boston.

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