21 May 2006

feel the break and i gotta live it out

not this past weekend, but the one right before, i went to the west coast with some people from the tramping club to the copland hot pools. i must say, absolutely nothing beats ending a days walk by soaking in geothermal hot springs with snow-covered mountains surrounding you.

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it was such a relaxing weekend - a good group of people, an easy, flat walk to the hut, and more wine than we could have possibly finished. i actually brought a bottle in and then walked it out because there was so much.

i love that university kids drink wine here ... definitely something to bring back to the states. only in new zealand do you go to parties and tramping where people bring boxes and bottles of good wine.

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[cool bridge]

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[welcome flat hut]

really great though, we made dinner in the hut and then everyone gathered their drinks and we sat in the hot pools for a few hours before everyone went to bed. it was quite amusing to watch. i enjoyed my two glasses of red wine and watching other people drink more and more and the resulting antics. ohhhhh college students. it was great, absolutely hysterical to witness.

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i leave dunedin one month from today. i ... don't know what to think. i'm crushed to leave this place, the adventures, experiences, beauty. at the same time, there are some things i really miss about the states - family, friends, brad, central heating, mexican food, filtered coffee. i just can't believe it's almost over.

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