14 March 2006

clothes drying weather

when i am at bc, i do laundry as little as possible - sometimes making it to just under three weeks until i open up my underwear drawer one morning and discover that, yes, unfortunately, i am completely out of clean underwear.

in order to save electricity here in dunedin, i've decided to not use the dryer at all - not even for the ten minutes my own family uses it and which i, rather reluctantly, have given up at bc since paying $1.50 for ten minutes just doesn't seem worth it. we have a clothesline in the backyard here, so it is really easy to dry clothes.

except for the rain.

and the fact that when i wake up in the morning, my bedspread often feels slightly damp and it's often colder inside than outside, so there's really no where to put clothes where they'll actually dry. believe me, last time i did laundry it took three days for my jeans to dry - and even then only when i actually wore them damp out of protest.

so instead, i've opted to do laundry when the weather is good - regardless of how long it's been or how much i need to do.

the forecast yesterday was 25 degrees and sunny - perfect clothes drying weather. and it was - all morning. and then when brad left and i began to hang my clothes, it started to rain.

fitting, considering the circumstances (i.e. brad having just left and leaving me a mess)

so today, it is colder out - about 16, but bright and sunny - so i'm trying again. mostly because in my wreck-of-a-state yesterday i forgot to add laundry detergent to the washing machine so my clothes came out soaking wet, and still dirty.

[pictures from mine and brad's adventures of the past week coming soon]

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