30 March 2010

snow day

i am realizing that i should start writing this in spanish too ... so bear with me (and apologies, friends, for my bad spanish)
me da cuenta que yo deberia empezar a escribir este en español tambien ... perdoname, amigos, por mi español mal)

last time iván and i went up to tucson (hmmmm february?), mt. lemmon was covered in snow from a big storm we had in january. now snow, when you live in either tucson or in peñasco (or the philippines or oregon in the summer, now that i think about it. really this applies to everywhere i've lived since boston), snow is a big thing. so we decided to go up there for a day. my parents have a lot there, so we thought it'd be fun to poke around.
la ultima vez que iván y yo fuimos a tucson (esteeeeee febrero?), mt. lemmon estaba cubriendo en nieve de una tormenta grande que teniamos en enero. pues snow, cuando vives en tucson o peñasco (o las filipinas o oregon en el verano, la verdad es que ya que lo piense, eso aplica a todos los lugares donde he vivido hasta boston), nieve es algo muy diferente. entonces, decidimos a irnos por la montana por un dia. mis padres tienen terreno alla tambien, entonces pensamos que seria divertido a verlo.

the drive up is wonderful, past these great rock formations. i really must learn to rock climb.
el viaje es increible, por estas formaciones de piedra muy padre. necesito aprender como subrir piedras


and as you climb higher, you begin to find snow ...
y como subes mas alta, empezas a encontrar el nieve ...


the truth is there's not too much to do, unless you're a skier or have a sled (neither of which we are nor had). so instead we shoe-skied down the hill near my parents' lot, attempted to make snowballs (the snow was more ice than snow, didn't pack so well), fell, and laughed a lot.
la verdad es que no hay tanto hacer, si no eres un esquiador o si tienes un trineo (ninguno de estos somos ni lo teniamos). entonces, esquimos con zapatos por el cerro cerca del terreno de mis padres, intentamos hacer snowballs (el nieve era mas hielo que nieve, entonces no sirvo muy bien), nos caemos, y reimos mucho.


[did i mention we also attempted to make a snowman? or woman i suppose .... she's rather sad looking]
[dije que tambien intentamos hacer un snowman? o mujer, supongo ... se ve muy triste]

my friend musty goes on and on about this cookie place up there, so we swung by. i would say just ok, not fabulous - we had the mix cookie, a bit of everything and it's about the size of a plate ... it was actually nice outside so we sat outside and enjoyed the view ...
mi amigo musty platica mucho de un lugar donde se venden galletas ricas alla, entonces fuimos. diria ok, pero no fabulosas - comimos la galleta con muchos sabores, y esta el tamaño de un plato ... el clima estaba rica entonces nos sentamos afuero para disfrutar la vista...


it was fun ... something very different to do. and something quite rare for tucson!
era divertido ... algo diferente para hacer. y algo muy raro por tucson!