24 July 2007

the rainy season

the best part about being home for the summer is monsoon season. it's been three years since i was here for the summer storms and they are truly spectacular. it's mostly been raining at night, but you can see the dark clouds move in from the balcony off my room:

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and then yesterday it absolutely poured at work. we all abandoned our work and went outside to watch the rain and be blown around by the wind. i grabbed one of the cameras and took a few pictures.

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[see the wall of rain?]

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the wall of rain is truly spectacular - usually there are mountains behind that palm tree, but obviously the rain blocks them. and the wind ... is just crazy. it's such a beautiful time of year to be here - the desert just comes alive when the rains arrive. and it brings a bit of relief to the heat - we had 30 something days of over 100 but with the rains it's been in the 90s! it's chilly!

23 July 2007

book seven

oh harry potter

(don't worry ... i won't spoil it)

my momma ordered harry potter and when we arrived back from nogales on saturday, there it was, waiting. and mom said i could read it first and i stayed up a good deal of the night and finished it.

my parents accused me of not savoring books.

but sometimes, i just cannot put something down. and book seven was wonderful, even if not my favorite or as surprising as some of the others.

i will miss it. thank you, jk rowling, for ten years of wonderful books.

17 July 2007

a much needed update

i keep meaning to finally get on and write this glorious post about my ridiculous trip down to nyc to visit christina without christina, the end of senior year, senior week, graduation, my last few weeks in boston, seeing the sox play the yankees at yankee stadium, seeing a sox game in the green monster, and leaving boston ...

but ... i have not. suffice it to say that senior week was fabulously fun, graduation was weird, and leaving boston was very difficult.

the highlights of senior week are many, but i think my favorite was sunrise. it is tradition at bc to stay up all night the night before graduation and to gather at the roof of the parking lot to watch the sun rise. it was ... so moving to be up there surrounded by friends and the senior class.

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[walking up the ramp]

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and of course, graduation, where i was lucky enough to have my family, brad, and a grandparent from each side come all the way out to boston to join me :)

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my last few weeks in boston i shoved in a ton of stuff - a trip down to the cape, releasing the terrapins, a 24-hour whirlwind trip to nyc, sox games, the freedom trail, the mary baker eddy library and mapparium, sam adams brewery tour, and the usual: commons, public garden, charles street, newbury street, and so on and so forth. it felt unreal leaving. so odd to leave a place that had become my home, not knowing when i would be back and knowing that it would never be the same.

but i do have to show a picture of the view from the green monster:

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[seriously, no zoom, our seats were front row]

brad came back to tucson with me for a week and we went up to flagstaff to visit mi hermana and we went to the grand canyon for the first time! it was slightly overcast, but honestly - it looks just like it does in the pictures. and you get vertigo looking down. and i really really want to do a rim-to-rim hike and raft in the river and go back for a long backpacking trip.

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10 July 2007


i am going to the philippines in september for six months to volunteer at marine sanctuaries.


(more later)